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In a world first, scientists say that an 8cm (3in) worm has been found alive in the brain of an Australian woman.

The "string-like structure" was pulled from the patient's damaged frontal lobe during surgery in Canberra last year.

The woman suffered from what doctors called an "unusual constellation of symptoms" - stomach pain, a cough and night sweats, evolving into increasing forgetfulness and depression.

The red parasite could have been there for up to two months.

Researchers are warning that the case highlights the increased danger of diseases and infections being passed from animals to people.

"Everyone [in] that operating theatre got the shock of their life when [the surgeon] took some forceps to pick up an abnormality and the abnormality turned out to be a wriggling, live 8cm light red worm," said Sanjaya Senanayake, an infectious diseases doctor at Canberra Hospital.

"Even if you take away the yuck factor, this is a new infection never documented before in a human being."

The Ophidascaris robertsi roundworm is common in carpet pythons - non-venomous snakes found across much of Australia.

Scientists say the woman most likely caught the roundworm after collecting a type of native grass, Warrigal greens, beside a lake near where she lived.

General Community / Three reasons why Trump's case in Georgia is different.
« เมื่อ: 25/08/23, 15:43:56 »
Donald Trump turned himself in as expected on Thursday in Georgia to be charged with an election plot. That process - and the coming arraignment - may follow a script unlike his previous three arrests this year.

During bookings in New York, Florida and Washington DC - where the former president has pleaded not guilty - he got special treatment.

Here's why this time will be different.

The former president has until now been spared a booking photo and having to interact with other criminal defendants.

But Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat has said the department's "normal practices" will be followed when processing Mr Trump. These practices typically include a medical screening, fingerprinting and a warrants check.

A number of his alleged co-conspirators have already been booked into the Fulton County Jail, which is notorious for hazardous conditions that some inmates endure for months.

Mr Trump was also subjected to his first mugshot on Thursday, as the county's normal steps include photographing all its defendants.

"The Fulton County Jail, amongst jails, is a very disturbingly dysfunctional place," said Rachel Kaufman, an attorney in Atlanta.

Mr Trump and his 18 co-defendants "are going to witness some level of that dysfunction" when processed, she said.

General Community / Winners, losers, and the looming shadow of Donald Trump.
« เมื่อ: 24/08/23, 18:12:19 »
Eight candidates have made their case to be the Republican presidential candidate for 2024.

It was not a calm and civil debate, there were fiery clashes across multiple topics.

Over the coming days, we're likely to see the candidates tout their own performances in the debate, and continue to spar on the key issues including the economy, crime, immigration and the border.

We're also likely to hear more from the party's front-runner - Donald Trump - who was not in attendance.

Instead, he appeared in an interview with Tucker Carlson on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Trump's shadow loomed over the debate, but perhaps not as large as many thought it would.

You can read more analysis on the winners and losers of the debate here.

UK trade talks with India are reaching their "final but trickier" stages, according to government sources.

Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch is visiting India for a meeting of G20 trade ministers this week.

There has been speculation about whether a trade deal may be struck before Rishi Sunak visits India in September.

But the BBC has been told there is currently no expectation in government a full deal will be agreed by then.

Government sources said they hoped a deal could now be "months" away, but they stressed there were still some "big nuts to crack".

India's Supreme Court has granted bail to two prominent rights activists who have been in jail since August 2018.

Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira were among several arrested for allegedly inciting caste violence, a charge they deny.

The anti-terror law under which they were arrested makes it almost impossible to get bail.

The two approached the top court after their bail pleas were denied by a high court.

Mr Gonsalves and Mr Ferreira were among at least 14 others who were jailed in connection with violence that erupted in January 2018 in Bhima Koregaon village in Maharashtra state.

They were also accused of links to the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist).

General Community / How the US negotiates with North Korea.
« เมื่อ: 27/07/23, 03:18:38 »
A country with closed borders and few diplomatic channels... talking to North Korea is tricky at the best of times. Now the stakes are even higher with a young American soldier in their hands. How is the US going about securing his release?

The fate of Travis King, a US soldier who crossed into North Korea, remains unknown and experts say the US is at a critical stage to try and negotiate his return home.

The key challenge is America has never had an official diplomatic relationship with North Korea.

As a result, the US relies on a network of backchannels to negotiate the return of citizens detained in the country.

It is believed the 23-year-old soldier is being detained and questioned by North Korean authorities.

Pte 2nd Class King was last seen a week ago running across the demilitarised zone separating North and South Korea. Tensions have since escalated in the region, with North Korea firing two ballistic missiles into the sea late Monday after a US nuclear-powered submarine was stationed in the South.

"All sides are trying to understand what happened and what to do," said Mickey Bergman, executive director of the Richardson Center for Global Diplomacy.

Mr Bergman, who has spent nearly 20 years negotiating to return US citizens from hostile nations, said the best chance at releasing a prisoner is right after they are detained. This is when they are likely being interrogated by the country's officials but before they have been charged with a crime, like spying.

General Community / Three Afghan women mourn the end of a valued service.
« เมื่อ: 24/07/23, 11:52:41 »
Hair and beauty salons across Afghanistan will close in the coming weeks on the Taliban's orders.

Their closure will lead to the loss of an estimated 60,000 jobs.

Salons had been allowed to keep operating since the Taliban retook power two years ago, but it reversed its position last month.

The decision further restricts spaces open to Afghan women, who are already barred from classrooms, gyms and parks.

23-year-old Zarmina was in a beauty salon getting her hair dyed dark brown when news of the approaching closures came through.

"The owner got a big shock and started to cry. She is the breadwinner for her family," the mother of two said.

"I couldn't even look at the mirror when my eyebrow was being done. Everyone was in tears. There was silence."

US President Biden has chosen a female admiral to lead the US Navy - the first time a woman has been nominated to head a Pentagon military service branch.

Lisa Franchetti is a former head of the US 6th Fleet and US naval forces in South Korea, and has also served as an aircraft carrier strike commander.

Her nomination by Mr Biden must still be confirmed by the US Senate.

One lawmaker is currently blocking the Senate from confirming military leaders to protest a military abortion policy.

If confirmed as Chief of Naval Operations she will be the first woman to become a member of the elite group of senior military officers who make up the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

A 38-year veteran, she was only the second woman to achieve the rank of four-star admiral.

In a statement, Mr Biden hailed what he called her "extensive expertise in both the operational and policy arenas" and said she "will again make history" when she is confirmed for the role.

According to reports in US media, Adm Franchetti was not the first choice of the US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who instead recommended TOPGUN graduate Samuel Paparo as the next Navy chief.

Mr Biden also promoted Adm Paparo, nominating him to become the commander of the US military forces in the Pacific.

The US Coast Guard is currently led by a woman - Admiral Linda Fagan - but that military branch falls under the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense.

Adm Franchetti is due to take up the position in the fall when the current chief's four-year term expires. But she will begin the job in an acting capacity, as it's unlikely that she will be quickly confirmed by the divided senate.

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville is currently blocking the senate from confirming more than 270 military promotions over a Pentagon policy that pays the travel expenses of service members who have to go out of state to have an abortion.

In his statement, Mr Biden criticised the senator, saying "what Senator Tuberville is doing is not only wrong—it is dangerous".

He added: "He is risking our ability to ensure that the United States Armed Forces remain the greatest fighting force in the history of the world. And his Republican colleagues in the Senate know it."

General Community / Putin may still seek revenge on Wagner boss.
« เมื่อ: 21/07/23, 21:19:32 »
Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to buy time while he works out how to deal with Yevgeny Prighozin, says the director of the CIA.

Mr Prigozhin is the head of the Wagner mercenary group who led a mutiny in Russia a month ago.

That mutiny exposed significant weaknesses in the system of power Putin has built, CIA head William Burns said.

He told the Aspen Security Forum that Russia's leader may still seek retribution against Mr Prigozhin.

"What we are seeing is a very complicated dance," the CIA chief said on Thursday.

Mr Prigozhin has moved around but had been in the Belarus capital of Minsk recently as well as Russia, he said when asked about a recent video apparently showing the Wagner boss in Belarus.

Mr Putin is likely to be trying to buy time as he works out how best to deal with the leader of the Wagner group, Mr Burns added.

That mercenary group still has value for Russia's leadership in places like Africa, Libya and Syria and so it was likely that Mr Putin would try and separate the group from its leader.

And the CIA chief said that Mr Putin may wait to exact revenge.

North Korea is not responding to attempts to negotiate the release of a US soldier who fled over its heavily-armed border, Washington says.

Private Travis King crossed the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) dividing North and South Korea on Tuesday.

The US has tried to contact North Korea's military through "multiple channels", the White House said.

The US was still trying to ascertain the soldier's whereabouts and wellbeing, a spokesperson added.

The crisis comes during a particularly tense time with the North. Relations with the US have plummeted in recent years, as it has tested dozens of increasingly powerful missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

On its travel advisory, the US tells its citizens not to travel to North Korea - one of the world's most isolated states - due to "the continuing serious risk of arrest" and the "critical threat of wrongful detention".

It is unclear if PV2 King has defected or hopes to return.

Experts say such a low-ranking soldier would have little propaganda and intelligence value, which may prompt North Korea into releasing him - but what will happen to him remains highly uncertain.

The 2026 Commonwealth Games are in doubt after the Australian state of Victoria cancelled its plans to host due to budget blowouts.

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) struggled to find a host before Victoria volunteered in April 2022.

But the premier said the projected cost had now tripled and become "well and truly too much" for the state to bear.

CGF called the decision "hugely disappointing" and said it is "committed to finding a solution".

The Commonwealth Games are a multi-sport tournament that take place every four years. They have only ever been cancelled during World War Two.

To be eligible to participate in the games, competitors must be from one of the Commonwealth's 56 members. Most of the countries in the Commonwealth were once part of the British Empire.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on Tuesday said Victoria had been "happy to help out" when approached to host last year, but "not at any price".

Downing Street said the cancellation was "disappointing" for fans and athletes.

The prime minister's spokesman said the UK government hoped "a viable solution" could be found by the Australian authorities and the Commonwealth Games federation.

General Community / Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols.
« เมื่อ: 17/07/23, 16:12:34 »
Iranian police are resuming controversial patrols to ensure women obey dress codes and cover their hair in public, state media reports.

The "morality police" will return to the streets to enforce Iran's hijab laws, a spokesman said on Sunday.

It comes 10 months after a young woman, Mahsa Amini, died in custody following her arrest in Tehran for allegedly breaking the dress code.

Her death triggered massive national protests and the patrols were paused.

However, Islamic hardliners have been demanding that the patrols be resumed for some time.

Under Iranian law, which is based on the country's interpretation of Sharia, women must cover their hair with a hijab (headscarf) and wear long, loose-fitting clothing to disguise their figures.

The morality police unit is tasked with ensuring those rules are respected, and detaining people who are perceived to be "improperly" dressed.

During the patrols, officers will first warn women who are not complying with the rules, police spokesman Saeed Montazerolmahdi said, as quoted by hardline Tasnim news agency.

If they disobey orders, police may then opt for "legal action", he added.

When we picture the fire-and-brimstone types that often lead unions into battle against corporate giants, they rarely have much in the way of Hollywood glamour.

But the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has always been unique in that respect. The union was once led by former US President Ronald Reagan, then best known as a swashbuckling cowboy from cheesy movies.

And less than 24 hours into the guild's campaign against Hollywood's streaming giants, its current leader, Fran Drescher, has caught public attention with a fiery speech from her base in Los Angeles.

Branding corporations including Netflix, Disney and Paramount as "disgusting", she accused the streaming powerhouses of "losing money left and right", all the while "giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs".

The speech, which quickly went viral, is emblematic of the wider labour fissures playing out across the world. She accused executives of making "Wall Street and greed their priority" while ignoring the "essential contributors that make the machine run".

While the grievances aired by Drescher may be recognisable, the 65-year-old's rise to union leadership is anything but traditional.

She was born in the Queens borough of New York City to a Jewish family in 1957.

And while attending Hillcrest High School in the city, she met Peter Marc Jacobson who she went on to marry in 1977, aged just 21.

In 2010 she recalled that when the pair married they were "just kids and didn't know who we truly were. We went through a lot together". Nonetheless.

General Community / Death toll climbs in severe monsoon season.
« เมื่อ: 14/07/23, 21:09:07 »
More than 100 people have died across Asia this month as the vast region experiences an intense monsoon season.

The past fortnight has seen extreme rain that has caused floods and landslides across several countries including India, China and Japan.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate as a result.

On Friday, South Korea was on high alert as a storm battered the capital Seoul, while in the Philippines officials warned of a tropical cyclone.

Earlier this week, Japan also reported record-breaking floods on the island of Kyushu in which at least eight people, including a local politician, died. Others are still missing.

"It's raining like never before," a spokesman for Japan's meteorological agency said, as cities around the country logged record amounts of rain.

Scientists warn that climate change has increased the risk of of floods worldwide. Many countries are struggling to mitigate the dangers of the extreme weather.

General Community / Hot weather sweeps across southern Europe.
« เมื่อ: 13/07/23, 18:34:07 »
A heatwave is sweeping across parts of southern Europe and north-west Africa, with potential record-breaking temperatures in the coming days.

Temperatures are expected to surpass 40C (104F) in parts of Spain, France, Greece, Croatia and Turkey.

In Italy, temperatures could reach as high as 48.8C (119.8F). A red alert warning has been issued for 10 cities, including Rome, Bologna and Florence.

On Tuesday, a man in his forties died after collapsing in northern Italy.

Italian media reported that the 44-year-old worker was painting zebra crossing lines in the town of Lodi, near Milan, before he collapsed from the heat. He was taken to hospital where he later died.

"We are facing an unbearable heatwave," Italian politician Nicola Fratoianni tweeted.

"Maybe it's the case that in the hottest hours, all the useful precautions are taken to avoid tragedies like the one that happened today in Lodi."

General Community / India CEO criticised for picking AI bot over human staff
« เมื่อ: 12/07/23, 16:21:05 »
An Indian CEO is being criticised after he said that his firm had replaced 90% of its support staff with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot.

Suumit Shah, founder of Dukaan, said on Twitter that the chatbot had drastically improved first response and resolution time of customers' queries.

The tweet sparked outrage online.

It comes at a time when there has been a lot of conversation and apprehension about AI taking away people's jobs, specially in the services industry.

In a series of tweets, which have over one million views, Mr Shah wrote about his firm's decision to use a chatbot. He said that though laying off staff had been a "tough" decision, it was "necessary".

"Given the state of economy, start-ups are prioritising 'profitability' over striving to become 'unicorns', and so are we," he wrote. Mr Shah added that customer support had been a struggle for the firm for a long time and that he was looking to fix this.

He also wrote about how they built the bot and the AI platform in a short span of time so that all of Dukaan's customers could have their own AI assistant. He said that the bot was answering all kinds of queries with speed and accuracy.

"In the age of instant gratification, launching a business is not a distant dream anymore," he wrote. "With the right idea, the right team, anyone can turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality."

Mr Shah also added that the firm was hiring for multiple roles.

However, many users criticised his tweets and accused him of disrupting the lives of his staff with this "heartless" decision.

"As expected, didn't find any mention about the 90% staff that were laid off. What assistance were they provided?" asked one user.

"Maybe it was the right decision for the business, but it shouldn't have turned into a celebratory/marketing thread about it," said another.

Mr Shah responded to one tweet saying "as expected, someone will get offended on behalf of someone else" and added that he would post about assistance for his staff on LinkedIn, because on Twitter, people are in search of "profitability and not sympathy".

Migrants saved in one of the first rescue operations in the Mediterranean since hundreds of people died when a boat sank off the Greek coast, say nothing could deter them from trying to reach Europe. They spoke to the BBC's Alice Cuddy - on board a rescue vessel patrolling the sea for migrant boats in distress.

Short presentational grey line
As the giant red and white rescue ship sails across an expanse of Mediterranean Sea, the horizon is interrupted by the sight of a dark blue inflatable boat, crammed with bobbing heads.

Rescue workers from the charity SOS Mediterranée don helmets and life jackets as they race to the scene in speedboats. They quickly pull the migrants on board the vessels one by one, counting as they go.

The boys and young men, most from The Gambia, have been at sea for 15 hours and have made it 54 nautical miles from the Libyan town of Castelverde, near Tripoli. They are in a state of distress.

Some later tell me that shortly before rescuers arrived, a fight had almost broken out on board the over-packed boat. Some were determined to keep going, while others were begging to give up and try again later. One dropped his phone in the sea in the melee.

One wears the familiar pale blue of a Manchester City football shirt, others are holding iPhones. Few have brought any water or food. Many cannot swim, armed only with the inner tubes of tyres to use as flotation devices should they end up in the sea.

General Community / The unravelling of India's most valued start-up.
« เมื่อ: 10/07/23, 21:03:22 »
Byju's, once among the most valued edtech start-ups in the world and a darling of investors during the Covid-19 pandemic, has seen a dramatic downturn in its fortunes after operational and financial setbacks in recent months. Experts say it marks a necessary correction in the bull run of Indian start-ups.

"Byju's is a company that has grown too fast too soon," says Shriram Subramanian, who heads an independent corporate governance research and advisory firm.

Founded in 2011, Byju's launched its learning app in 2015. With 15 million subscribers by 2018, the edtech firm became a unicorn (valued at $1bn) amid much fanfare.

It expanded substantially during the Covid-19 pandemic as students turned to online classes during lockdowns. But in 2021, it posted a loss of $327m, which was 17 times more than the previous year.

Since then, the edtech giant has witnessed an extraordinary unravelling. Valued at $22bn (£17.28bn) last year, Byju's has seen its valuation slashed to $5.1bn this year by Prosus NV, the company's biggest investor and shareholder.

The company did not respond to the BBC's queries.

"After the pandemic, when children returned to schools there was going to be a downturn," Mr Subramanian said. "But Byju's kept on growing and investors kept on putting money into it. They did not see the signs that there could be a downturn."

Aniruddha Malpani, an angel investor and vocal critic of Byju's business model, says the company had "paper fortunes".

"There's a big gap between value and valuation," he said.

With exponential growth during the pandemic, Byju's went on an acquisition spree in 2021, spending $2bn to acquire edtech start-ups and firms like WhiteHat Jr, Aakash, Toppr, Epic, and Great Learning.

It soon surpassed digital payments platform Paytm to become India's most-valued start-up.

Byju's channelled hundreds of millions into its marketing, roping in Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and football star Lionel Messi as its brand ambassadors. It became the main sponsor of the Indian cricket team and an official sponsor of 2022 FIFA World Cup.

But in recent months, the company has been dogged by complaints as parents accused it of not fulfilling its promises - coercing them into buying courses they couldn't afford and then not providing the promised services. Some also said that the firm used predatory practices to exploit customers.

General Community / Dutch coalition government collapses in migration row.
« เมื่อ: 8/07/23, 17:02:24 »
The Dutch government has collapsed because of a disagreement between coalition parties over asylum policies, Prime Minster Mark Rutte has said.

The four parties were unable to find agreement in crisis talks chaired by Mr Rutte on Friday.

The government was set up a year and a half ago but the parties have been opposed on migration for some time.

Local media reported fresh elections would likely be held in November.
Mr Rutte's conservative VVD party had been trying to limit the flow of asylum seekers, following a row last year about overcrowded migration centres. His plans were opposed by his junior coalition partners.

He confirmed the government collapse during a news conference on Friday evening, after holding an emergency cabinet meeting. He said he would hand his resignation to King Willem-Alexander on Saturday.

But the PM added that ministers would continue their work as a caretaker cabinet ahead of the new elections.

Asylum applications in the Netherlands jumped by over a third last year to over 47,000, and government figures said earlier this year that they expect roughly 70,000 applications in 2023.

This week Mr Rutte tried to force through a plan which included a cap on the number of relatives of war refugees allowed into the Netherlands at just 200 people per month.

But junior coalition partners the Christian Union, a pro-family party, and the socially liberal D66 were strongly opposed.

China says it will maintain a ban on some Japanese food imports over the plan to release water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean.

China's customs administration said it would also implement radiation tests on food from other parts of the country.

South Korea is also maintaining a similar ban but says the proposed release meets international standards.

On Wednesday the UN's nuclear watchdog said it would have "negligible impact" on the environment.

On Friday Japan's nuclear regulator also gave its approval.

In 2011, a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake flooded three reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. It is regarded as the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

More than 150,000 people were evacuated from an exclusion zone around the plant, which remains in place. Decommissioning of the plant has also started, but the process could take decades.

On Tuesday, the Indian football team won its ninth South Asian Football Federation Championship (SAFF) title after beating Kuwait on penalties. At the centre of the triumph was one man - Indian captain Sunil Chhetri. He has served Indian football for more than a decade, inspiring a generation of players. Sports writer Gautam Bhattacharyya traces the player's glorious journey.

A question that the motley team of football writers from India, who travel to cover the Fifa World Cup, often face is: does their country really play football?

The element of surprise is not unexpected. Despite its reputation as a huge market for football tourism, India has not been able to shed its tag of being a cricket-crazy nation.

But this is where Sunil Chhetri, the long serving Indian captain, stands out.

General Community / India man arrested for urinating on tribal worker.
« เมื่อ: 5/07/23, 18:46:51 »
Police in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh have arrested a man for urinating on a tribal worker in public.

Pravesh Shukla has been charged under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act - a law meant to protect historically oppressed communities.

He was arrested after a video, which shows him urinating on the man, was widely shared on social media.

The incident has sparked outrage in the country.

Mr Shukla has not commented on the incident.

Some politicians of the main opposition party Congress have alleged that he is associated with the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) - which is also in power in Madhya Pradesh. The BJP has denied the allegation.

The police also refused to comment on the allegation, saying that the "facts of the case need to be first investigated".

Despite laws meant to protect tribespeople, discrimination against them and other people belonging to India's lower castes - thought to number around 200 million - remains a daily reality.

They are some of the country's most downtrodden citizens because of an unforgiving Hindu caste hierarchy that condemns them to the bottom of the ladder.

A UN watchdog has said that Japan's plan to release waste water from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea complies with international standards.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says the release will have a "negligible" impact on the environment.

The Fukushima facility is running out of storage space for the water, which was used to cool nuclear reactors.

Japan's plan has been opposed by China and South Korea.

Tokyo has not announced a schedule for the release and the plan still needs approval from a regulator.

In 2011, a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake flooded three reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. It is regarded as the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

More than 150,000 people were evacuated from an exclusion zone around the plant, which remains in place. Decommissioning of the plant has also started, but the process could take decades.

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi released the findings of a two-year safety review on Tuesday, describing it as impartial and scientific. He also vowed to continue engaging with Japan after the water is discharged.

In May, the agency said Fukushima operator Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) had shown its ability to make "accurate and precise measurements" of the amount of radiation present in the treated water. A final approval from Tepco could come as early as this week.

General Community / Wagner: Where next for the mercenary force?
« เมื่อ: 30/06/23, 16:02:58 »
The recent mutiny in Russia has exposed huge insecurities in that country.

But what does it mean for the war in Ukraine and what happens now to Wagner, the mercenaries who rebelled?

Why does it matter?
Firstly, in the space of just a few hours on 24 June, Wagner took control of an entire Russian city, Rostov-on-Don. They then sent a heavily-armed convoy northwards, stopping just 200km short of Moscow, shooting down Russian military aircraft en route.

It was the most serious challenge yet to President Putin's rule, even if, as Wagner's leader Yevgeny Prigozhin claims, it was not intended to be.

In short, it came close to triggering what could have been a catastrophic civil war in a country with the world's largest arsenal of nuclear warheads.

On a scorching June night, Bhagwan Ghukse woke up with a jolt and decided to run for his life.

For the past month, Mr Ghukse had been kept captive in a squalid shanty in the western state of Maharashtra along with six other daily-wage workers. The workers were hired by some contractors in the state's Osmanabad district to dig wells, but were later forced into bonded labour which is illegal in India.

Mr Ghukse described the dehumanising living conditions, of being beaten, drugged and forced into long hours of manual labour with little food or water. At night, the workers would be chained to tractors so that they couldn't escape. And when they couldn't sleep, restless from pain, hunger and fatigue, Mr Gukse said the men would lash them with sticks and then forcefully sedate them with alcohol.

"I knew death was inevitable here. But I wanted to try escaping at least once before that," he said.

On most days, Mr Gukse and other captives would get so exhausted with work, beatings and no food that they would have no energy left to plan their escape.

But on 15 or 16 June - Mr Ghukse can't remember the exact date because the days had long started blending into each other - he decided to give it a try. Crouching in the darkness, he reached for the little lock of the chain on his feet, slid a finger inside and kept twisting it for hours until it finally came free.

As he clambered out of the compound, he saw a vast sugarcane field and decided to run towards it. "I had no idea where I was. All I knew was I had to get back home. I followed a railway track next to the field and kept running."

Mr Ghukse managed to reach his village and informed the police about the torture, following which officials rescued 11 other workers from two separate wells run by the same contractors.

"At first we didn't believe the labourer, but when we reached the location, we were shocked to see the conditions of the men," local police official Jagdish Raut, who is in charge of the case, told the BBC.

A court in Thailand has acquitted five anti-government protesters charged with attempted violence against the Queen.

The case stems from pro-democracy protests in 2020, when a motorcade carrying Queen Suthida was blocked by demonstrators in the capital Bangkok.

The court found the defendants had not intended to impede the royal convoy as it passed through the rally.

Thailand's constitution enshrines reverence of the monarchy, criticism of which is punishable by long jail terms.

A controversial lese majeste law forbids insulting the monarchy and is among the strictest in the world. Anyone found in breach of the law could face up to 15 years in prison.

Critics say the military-backed government uses the law to clamp down on free speech, and the United Nations has repeatedly called on Thailand to amend it.

Facebook owner Meta has launched a virtual reality (VR) subscription service as it tries to make that part of its business profitable.

Meta says paying users will get access to two new games a month.

For the first three months of the year, the parent company of Instagram saw a $4bn (£3.1bn) loss at its VR unit.

Meta faces competition from firms including technology giant Apple, which unveiled its highly anticipated mixed-reality headset this month.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the leaders of last weekend's Wagner mutiny of wanting "to see Russia choked in bloody strife".

In a short speech full of vitriol, Mr Putin vowed to bring the organisers of the revolt "to justice".

But he called regular Wagner troops "patriots" who would be allowed to join the army, go to Belarus or return home.

He did not directly name Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin, who earlier denied trying to overthrow Mr Putin's regime.

Wagner is a private army of mercenaries that has been fighting alongside the regular Russian army in Ukraine.

The short-lived rebellion, which saw Wagner fighters seize a major Russian city before heading north towards Moscow in a column of military vehicles, was a response to government plans to take direct control of Wagner, Prigozhin claimed in an 11-minute long audio statement published on Telegram on Monday.

In June, Russia said "volunteer formations" would be asked to sign Ministry of Defence contracts in a move widely seen as a threat to Prigozhin's grip on Wagner.

The mercenary chief said his rebellion was also a protest over mistakes made by defence officials during the war with Ukraine.

But he insisted that Wagner had acted always and only in Russia's interests.

These were Prigozhin's first public comments since agreeing a deal to halt the rebellion, which reportedly includes him going to Belarus with all criminal charges against him dropped - though Russian state media, citing officials, has reported he remains under investigation.

He said that he brought an end to the mutiny to stop "spilling the blood of Russian soldiers", adding that some Russian civilians were disappointed the march had stopped.

But he was at pains to stress that he had no intention of trying to topple Russia's elected authorities.

General Community / The man at the centre of India's wrestling row.
« เมื่อ: 16/06/23, 14:14:07 »
Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is an influential but controversial MP from India's governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). For several months, he's been at the centre of India's biggest sporting row.

The allegations against him are grave. Some of India's top wrestlers, including Olympic medallists and world champions, accuse him of sexually harassing female athletes and have held months of protests demanding his arrest.

Mr Singh, who until recently had been the chief of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) for the past 12 years, has denied the allegations. He accuses the wrestlers of being "politically motivated" and recently said he would "hang himself even if a single allegation is proved" against him.

After months of headline-making protests by wrestlers - and a nudge from the Supreme Court - police in the capital Delhi registered two cases against him in April. Seven female wrestlers told the police that he had molested and groped them at training camps and tournaments.

As one of them is a minor, police invoked the stringent Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Pocso) Act. In the past few days, reports say the minor has withdrawn her allegations. Wrestler Sakshi Malik told the BBC she believed "the player was pressurised into withdrawing the charges". Mr Singh refused to comment on the allegation, saying "let law take its course".

Lawyer Akshat Bajpai says most people charged under Pocso are immediately arrested - but six weeks later, police are yet to act against Mr Singh.

Although the government denies shielding him, the protesters and opposition politicians allege that the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is giving him a long rope because of political expediency.

General Community / The Indians taking on giant Saudi-backed refinery
« เมื่อ: 16/06/23, 13:57:15 »
"We don't want this chemical refinery. We will not allow dirty oil from an Arab country to destroy our pristine environment," says Manasi Bole.

She is among thousands of people protesting plans to acquire an expansive laterite plateau - flanked by cliffside fishing villages, mango orchards and ancient petroglyphs - to build the world's largest petrochemical refinery in western India's ecologically fragile Konkan belt.

In late April, angry protests erupted in Ratnagiri district of the western Indian state of Maharashtra when authorities began testing the soil for the mega project to be built by a consortium of Indian state-run oil majors and global giants Saudi Aramco and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

Thousands of villagers, led by women, braved the intense summer temperatures and lay on the roads to prevent officials from entering the site. Many others shaved their heads and went on a hunger strike to mark their dissent.

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