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General Community / Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death.
« เมื่อ: 15/06/23, 19:10:08 »
People in North Korea have told the BBC food is so scarce their neighbours have starved to death.

Exclusive interviews gathered inside the world's most isolated state suggest the situation is the worst it has been since the 1990s, experts say.

The government sealed its borders in 2020, cutting off vital supplies. It has also tightened control over people's lives, our interviewees say.

Pyongyang told the BBC it has always prioritised its citizens' interests.

The BBC has secretly interviewed three ordinary people in North Korea, with the help of the organisation Daily NK which operates a network of sources in the country. They told us that since the border closure, they are afraid they will either starve to death or be executed for flouting the rules. It is extremely rare to hear from people living in North Korea.

The interviews reveal a "devastating tragedy is unfolding" in the country, said Sokeel Park from Liberty in North Korea (LiNK), which supports North Korean escapees.

One woman living in the capital Pyongyang told us she knew a family of three who had starved to death at home. "We knocked on their door to give them water, but nobody answered," Ji Yeon said. When the authorities went inside, they found them dead, she said. Ji Yeon's name has been changed to protect her, along with those of the others we interviewed.

General Community / Taiwan sees MeToo wave of allegations after Netflix show
« เมื่อ: 15/06/23, 18:51:41 »
Taiwan is being rocked by a wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations - sparked by a Netflix show which many say has ignited a local MeToo movement.

More than 90 people have spoken out in the past fortnight, accusing people across the island.

The allegations at first centred on politics and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) - where several senior officials have resigned.

But they have spread across Taiwanese society, with allegations being made against doctors, professors, sporting umpires and YouTubers.

On Saturday, a Polish diplomat was accused of sexual assault by a think tank researcher.

For many women, the moment is long overdue in a Taiwanese society otherwise praised globally for its progressive politics and commitment to gender equality.

President Tsai Ing-wen, the island's first female leader, has apologised and vowed reform.

"Previously we had single cases around sexual harassment, but never in such magnitude," social commentator Dr Liu Wen from Taiwan's Sinica Academia told the BBC.

"It's the first time a lot of the underlying issues in different industries are being revealed all at the same time."

One woman in her 30s told the BBC she had felt the momentum to seek justice again after she was sexually harassed by her boss, a celebrated environmental activist.

Romania's anti-organised crime unit say they have ramped up the human trafficking case against controversial influencer Andrew Tate, his brother Tristan and two associates.

They are now being investigated for the more serious crime of "human trafficking in continued form".

One more victim was also added to the case, which started out with six women.

The Tate brothers and their associates have been under house arrest in Bucharest since April.

They were first arrested in December and are being investigated on allegations of rape, people-trafficking and forming an organised crime group.

They have always denied any wrongdoing.

On 12 June, all four suspects were called to the headquarters of Romania's organised crime unit to be informed of the new allegations. Under Romanian law, trafficking of adults carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

Prosecutors also said they had opened a separate criminal investigation against a Romanian man named Vlad Obuzic, who they say was close to the Tate brothers.

Mr Obuzic is facing allegations of human trafficking and forming a criminal crime group to sexually exploit seven women, who were seduced and coerced to produce pornographic content for social media sites, with the suspects keeping most of the gains.

A US comedian who offended Malaysian authorities with a joke about missing flight MH370 says the reaction from officials has been "overblown".

Jocelyn Chia told the BBC she was "not making fun of tragedy" and victims, but was trying to find humour in tragedy.

Malaysian police said they would ask Interpol to locate Ms Chia, as they investigate her for incitement and offensive online content.

Ms Chia - who grew up in Singapore - called involving Interpol "ridiculous".

Interpol has not responded to questions from the BBC on whether it would act on the request for assistance from Malaysian police.

Ms Chia had joked in a viral video that Malaysian jets "cannot fly", referring to the Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared in 2014 - a sensitive topic in the country.

She said her joke had been "taken out of context when consumed on social media".

"I have [performed this routine] hundreds of times and even did a shorter version of it in Singapore. It always cracks the audience up. I wouldn't have used it again if it didn't work," she said.

Ms Chia said "roasting" or poking fun at the audience is part of comedy club culture in New York, where she is now based. She said American comics have in the past used the September 11 terror attacks as fodder for their jokes.

"Americans can appreciate humour that is harsher, edgier and more in-your-face, as compared to in Asia where the stand-up comedy scene is still in its early days. You won't find a lot of edgy comedy in Asia," she said.

Flight MH370, a Boeing 777, mysteriously fell off the radar in March 2014 as it was on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. A four-year search over the Indian Ocean yielded some debris, but not the main fuselage. All 239 on board are presumed dead.

Ms Chia mentioned MH370 in the context of the long-running rivalry between Singapore and Malaysia. The two former British colonies were part of one country until a bitter break-up in 1965.

"Malaysian Airlines going missing not funny huh? Some jokes don't land. This joke kills in Singapore," she said in a 90-second viral clip that was taken from her performance at Manhattan's Comedy Cellar on 7 April.

General Community / 'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin.
« เมื่อ: 13/06/23, 19:23:27 »
Mourners at the wake of an elderly Ecuadorean woman were startled to discover she was still alive.

A hospital doctor in the city of Babahoyo declared Bella Montoya, 76, dead following a suspected stroke.

She was placed in a coffin and taken to a funeral parlour, where relatives held a vigil before her planned burial.

When, after almost five hours, they opened the coffin to change her clothes ahead of the funeral, the woman gasped for air.

"My mum started to move her left hand, to open her eyes, her mouth; she struggled to breathe," her son Gilbert Balberán described the moment he realised his mother was still alive.

Video taken by one of the mourners shows her lying in an open casket struggling to breathe, while another complains that an ambulance they called has not yet arrived.

Minutes later, firefighters arrive and lift Bella Montoya from the coffin onto a stretcher and take her back to the same hospital where she had been declared dead.

Her son told Ecuadorean media that she was in intensive care, but was responsive.

"My mum is on oxygen, her heart is stable. The doctor pinched her hand and she reacted, they tell me that's good because it means she is reacting little by little," newspaper El Universo quoted him as saying.

Ecuador's health ministry has set up a committee to investigate the incident.

Mr Balberán said he had taken his mother to hospital at about 09:00 "and at noon a doctor told me [she] died".

He said he had even been issued with a death certificate, which stated that she had died of cardiopulmonary arrest after suffering a stroke.

Bella Montoya is not the only person to "come alive" after being officially declared dead.

In February, an 82-year-old woman was found to be breathing while lying in a funeral home in New York state. She had been pronounced dead three hours earlier at a nursing home.

General Community / India's health ministry denies major breach.
« เมื่อ: 13/06/23, 19:07:40 »
The Indian health ministry has denied reports of a major leak of personal data from its Covid vaccination database.

In a statement it said "all such reports are without any basis and mischievous in nature", but it has ordered an official investigation into the matter.

The health ministry's CoWin database contains the personal details of millions of people.

Three people were killed after Russia attacked a boat carrying evacuees from a flooded area in Kherson, the regional governor said.

Ukraine has been trying to rescue people trapped on the Russia-held eastern bank of the Dnipro River since the Nova Kakhovka dam was destroyed.

Oleksandr Prokudin said Russian troops shelled the evacuation boat and shot a 74-year-old man dead.

The man was trying to rescue a woman from gunfire, Mr Produkin said.

Two police officers were also injured.

The Nova Kakhovka dam burst on Tuesday, releasing a huge torrent of water which quickly flooded vast areas of land on both sides of the Dnipro river.

Ukraine has blamed Russia for "blowing up" the dam, located in a Russian-controlled area of Ukraine. Russia has denied this and has accused Ukraine of being responsible for its destruction.

The BBC has not verified either claim, although it appears likely that Russian forces, who controlled the dam, decided to blow it up in order to complicate Ukraine's ongoing counteroffensive.

General Community / George Soros hands reins of $25bn empire to son Alex.
« เมื่อ: 12/06/23, 13:51:54 »
US billionaire philanthropist George Soros has handed over the running of his $25bn (£19.9bn) financial and charitable empire to his son Alex.

The Hungarian-born financier said his son had "earned it", in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

Since the 1990s the family's wealth has been directed to support democracy-building in dozens of countries.

But in recent years the 92-year-old former hedge fund manager has become the focus of anti-Semitic conspiracies.

A Soros spokesperson confirmed to the BBC the details of the interview published on Sunday.

George Soros is also one of the largest donors to the US Democratic Party. Alex, a 37-year-old history graduate, is the second-youngest of his five children.

Alex is the only family member sitting on the investment committee for Soros Fund Management, the vehicle which the Wall Street Journal says is managing the $25bn for the family and the charitable foundation.

Alex took over at the Open Society Foundations (OSF) as chairman in December and is also in charge of his father's "super PAC" a US mechanism to direct funds to political parties.

It looks like chicken, it smells like chicken and, what do you know, it tastes like chicken.

You would never guess that the piece of meat in front of me did not come from a farm. It was made in a laboratory on an industrial estate just a few miles down the road.

I'm in Huber's Butchery and Bistro in Singapore, which is the only restaurant in world to have so-called cultivated meat on the menu.

Feedback from customers has been "phenomenal", according to the restaurant's owner.

The meat's creator - California-based Eat Just - says it is ethical, clean and green - with no compromise on taste. Billions of dollars are being poured into the industry, but huge question marks hang over its viability as anything beyond a novelty.

Ever since the first lab-grown burger - which cost a mere $330,000 (£263,400) to create - was unveiled in London in 2013, dozens of companies around the world have joined the race to bring affordable cultivated meat to the market.

So far, only Eat Just has managed to get its product approved for public sale after regulators in Singapore - the only country in the world to allow lab-grown meat to be sold - gave its chicken the green light in December 2020.

But it is still nowhere near being widely available. Cultivated chicken nuggets were briefly on the menu at a private members' club in 2021.

That partnership lasted a few months and this year Huber's has started offering a chicken sandwich and a chicken pasta dish to the general public - albeit only once a week with limited dining slots available.

"Cultivated meat is real meat, but you don't have to slaughter an animal," says Josh Tetrick, chief executive of Eat Just, who spoke to the BBC from San Francisco. "This way of eating makes sense for the future," he says.

An Australian newspaper has offered a historic apology for its coverage of a massacre of Aboriginal people in 1838.

At least 28 people, mainly women and children, were brutally murdered in the New South Wales town of Myall Creek.

The massacre was the first - and only - time colonists were prosecuted for mass killings of Aboriginal people.

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) admitted to spreading racist views and misinformation while campaigning for the killers to escape justice.

The masthead, which is one of the nation's oldest publications, also opposed the death sentence eventually handed down to seven of the 12 men involved.

"This was not due to a lack of evidence or genuine doubts over the integrity of any legal process, but because the perpetrators were white and the dead black," the paper said in an editorial on Friday.

"The Herald has a long and proud history of telling the Australian story. But on Myall Creek, the truth is we failed dismally."

It also apologised for other historic articles which had encouraged readers to kill Aboriginal people if they ever felt "threatened", acknowledging its editorial positions had helped support the proposition colonists were "entitled to impunity" for their violence.

The editorial added that the masthead's coverage at the time was out of step with other papers, quoting a historian who deemed it "as brutal as colonial journalism gets".

The SMH said it was apologising on the 185th anniversary of the Myall Creek - on 10 June - because it felt "truth is an essential force for reconciliation".

The mass killings at Myall Creek Station were carried out by a group of European stockmen - mostly ex-convicts - who rounded up and executed Wirrayaraay women, children, and elders, while the men in their families were working nearby.

General Community / The city of Kherson which has had enough
« เมื่อ: 8/06/23, 20:56:32 »
In the drive towards Kherson's riverbanks, water from the Dnipro river arrives earlier than expected.

Ahead, rooftops protrude above its brown, cloudy flood waters. To the right is the roof of a small truck.

Occasionally a small rescue boat weaves through the submerged streets to pull people trapped in their homes.

The city is just over 75km (45 miles) downstream of the Kakhovka dam, destroyed on Tuesday, and flood waters have badly hit low-lying areas.

General Community / Australia to introduce national ban on Nazi symbols.
« เมื่อ: 8/06/23, 20:40:36 »
Australia has announced it will introduce a national ban on Nazi symbols, in an effort to crack down on far-right groups.

Public displays of the swastika or SS symbols will be punishable by up to a year in prison. However the new laws will not cover the Nazi salute.

Nazi symbols are already banned in many states, but this means they won't be allowed anywhere, the government says.

The move comes amid a resurgence in far-right activity.

In March, a group of neo-Nazis appeared at a rally in Melbourne hosted by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull - who is known for her opposition to transgender rights - and performed Nazi salutes on the steps of the Victorian Parliament.

Ms Keen-Minshull denied any connection to the group, but the event triggered a political backlash with calls for greater efforts to tackle displays of Nazi regalia.

"There is no place in Australia for symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust," Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said, announcing the new legislation.

"We will no longer allow people to profit from the display and sale of items which celebrate the Nazis," he added.

The ban includes the trade and public display of flags, armbands, T-shirts, insignia and the publication of symbols online promoting Nazi ideology, Mr Dreyfus said.

However public displays of the Nazi swastika and SS symbols for academic, educational, artistic, literary, journalistic or scientific purposes will be allowed.

The Nazi salute is not covered by the legislation and will instead be left to state authorities to police. Victoria and Queensland already announced bans earlier this year.

The ban was also carefully drafted to exclude the display of the swastika in religious contexts, due to its spiritual significance.

The Nazi swastika is derived from an ancient hooked cross motif which remains a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

Dvir Abramovich, chairman of Australia's Anti-Defamation Commission, described the move as a "profound moment that represents the culmination of a six-year personal campaign".

General Community / Liang Wenbo and Li Hang handed lifetime bans.
« เมื่อ: 7/06/23, 19:47:50 »
Chinese players Liang Wenbo and Li Hang have been handed lifetime bans for their involvement in snooker's biggest match-fixing scandal.

Eight other players, all from China, have received bans ranging from 20 months to five years and four months from the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA).

The allegations include manipulating games, approaching players to cheat, betting on snooker and fixing matches.

Yan Bingtao, the 2021 Masters champion, has been banned until December 2027, while former UK Championship winner Zhao Xintong must serve a suspension that ends in September 2024.

All 10 players have until 20 June to appeal against the decisions.

WPBSA chairman Jason Ferguson said: "This has been a very complex case. It has been heart-breaking to see some young talented players fall foul of the WPBSA Conduct Regulations through pressure exerted by two senior players.

"This behaviour has been recognised as wholly unacceptable by the imposition of two lifetime bans from participating in recognised snooker in any way.

"I am pleased that the commission found that they did not see from the present case any evidence of a wider culture of wrongdoing in snooker.

"The WPBSA will continue its strong stance against those who try to manipulate sport and today's outcome sends out a clear message that match-fixing will not be tolerated in snooker."


TikTok's owner ByteDance has been accused of allowing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members to access the data of Hong Kong civil rights activists and protesters.

Users who uploaded "protest-related content" were also identified and monitored, former ByteDance executive Yintao Yu alleges in a US court filing.

The CCP members were also able to access US TikTok user data, Mr Yu says.

A ByteDance spokesperson denied the claims, describing them as "baseless".

General Community / Is Ajinkya Rahane ready to relaunch his Test career?
« เมื่อ: 6/06/23, 18:01:37 »
He led India to a historic Test series win in Australia in 2021 and was dropped from the side in 2022. This year, he finds himself in the squad for the World Test Championship final.

It is difficult to be Ajinkya Rahane.

The Indian batter would probably not have been recalled if Shreyas Iyer - who has already proven his credentials as a Test number five - had not been injured. Rahane, who will be returning to the side after 18 months, is likely to be under immense pressure to prove a point because there won't be another chance.

After India's series defeat in South Africa in 2022, Rahane was dropped from the Test side. At The Oval on 7 June, the veteran of 82 Tests will want to take a fresh guard at the crease when he walks out to bat.

Balancing an AK-47 assault rifle slung around his left shoulder and with a large stick in his right hand, Abdul hits the heads of poppies as hard as he can. The stalks fly in the air, as does the sap from the poppy bulb, releasing the distinctive, pungent smell of opium in its most raw form.

Within a matter of minutes, Abdul and a dozen other men raze the poppy crop which covered the small field. Then the armed men, all wearing a shalwar kameez (a traditional Afghan tunic with loose fitting trousers), most with long beards and some with kohl-lined eyes, pile into the back of a pickup truck and move on to the next farm.

The men belong to a Taliban anti-narcotics unit in the eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, and we've been given rare access to join them on one of their patrols to eradicate poppy farming. Less than two years ago the men were insurgent fighters, part of a war to seize control of the country. Now they've won and are on the ruling side, enforcing the orders of their leader.

In April 2022, Taliban supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada decreed that cultivation of the poppy - from which opium, the key ingredient for the drug heroin can be extracted - was strictly prohibited. Anyone violating the ban would have their field destroyed and be penalised according to Sharia law.

A Taliban spokesman told the BBC they imposed the ban because of the harmful effects of opium - which is taken from the poppy seed capsules - and because it goes against their religious beliefs. Afghanistan used to produce more than 80% of the world's opium. Heroin made from Afghan opium makes up 95% of the market in Europe.

The BBC has now travelled in Afghanistan - and used satellite analysis - to examine the effects of the direct action on opium poppy cultivation. The Taliban leaders appear to have been more successful cracking down on cultivation than anyone ever has.

We found a huge fall in poppy growth in major opium-growing provinces, with one expert saying annual cultivation could be 80% down on last year. Less-profitable wheat crops have supplanted poppies in fields - and many farmers saying they are suffering financially.

Women in Argentina will no longer require a prescription to get emergency contraception.

The government said making the morning-after pill more easily available removed an "important barrier" for those seeking terminations.

The move was welcomed by feminist groups, who see it as a sign of progress in the Catholic-majority country.

However critics said the move displayed a "failure of pregnancy prevention".

When, some 15 years ago, a 38-year-old captained his team to the title at the inaugural Indian Premier League (IPL) many thought the cliché was true: this was the greatest player never to have captained his country.

Shane Warne may or may not have thought so, but as captain of that winning Rajasthan Royals team he played a dual role: as tactician and as father confessor. Australia didn't see him as captaincy material, but the club did, and he repaid that faith.

It is a captaincy role that Mahendra Singh Dhoni has played with equal conviction. In his 250th IPL match, the final this week, he continued to be Chennai Super Kings' leading on-field tactician and father confessor. His knowledge of the game matched his knowledge of his players. He knew when to move the square leg fielder to his left just as he knew when to ignore a player or give him a tough look.

When Deepak Chahal dropped danger man Shubman Gill early, Dhoni merely went back to his position behind the stumps, applauding the bowler (and possibly the fielder too for stopping runs).

General Community / Navigating the two sides of Somalia's capital Mogadishu
« เมื่อ: 31/05/23, 13:24:53 »
Until a few weeks ago I'd never been home.

A country where I speak the language, and look like everyone else but had never stepped foot in.

That place is Somalia.

But this month, I followed in the footsteps of countless diaspora children and booked a one-way-ticket to the motherland.

I was born and raised in London, some 6,000 miles (9,700km) from my family's roots.

Growing up, I always felt torn between the idea of what sounded like two very different cities.

I'd hear about Mogadishu on the news. A capital filled with death and destruction, touted as "the most dangerous place in the world".

But then my parents would speak so fondly of "Xamar", as the locals call it. They described a beautiful city, situated on Africa's longest coastline, known to many as "the pearl of the Indian Ocean".

I've come to realise that both versions hold some truth.

General Community / Protests at Oxford Union as talk goes ahead
« เมื่อ: 31/05/23, 13:03:00 »
Hundreds of people gathered outside the Oxford Union to protest against a talk by the gender-critical academic, Kathleen Stock.

Prof Stock had said she was "very determined" for the talk to go ahead, despite some students responding angrily to her invitation to the event.

Some say her views on gender identity are transphobic.

The protest came after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the talk by Prof Stock should be allowed to go ahead.

"Agree or disagree with her, Professor Stock is an important figure in this argument. Students should be allowed to hear and debate her views," he said.

"University should be an environment where debate is supported, not stifled.

"We mustn't allow a small but vocal few to shut down discussion."

Prof Stock left her job with the University of Sussex in 2021 after protests against her from students following the publication of a book where she questioned the idea that gender identity is more socially significant than biological sex.

General Community / How prosperity fuels dowry demand in India.
« เมื่อ: 30/05/23, 20:18:26 »
As education and job opportunities for men in India have improved over the decades, the prevalence of dowry has increased, a new study has found.

Paying and accepting dowry is a centuries-old tradition in South Asia where the bride's parents gift cash, clothes and jewellery to the groom's family. Even though the practice has been illegal in India since 1961, it continues to thrive and leaves women vulnerable to domestic violence and even death.

Jeffrey Weaver of University of Southern California and Gaurav Chiplunkar of University of Virginia examined more than 74,000 marriages in India between 1930 and 1999 to examine the evolution of dowry over time.

They calculated "net dowry" as the difference between the value of cash and gifts given by the bride's family to the groom or his family and those given by the groom's family to the bride's family. The researchers relied on data from India's Rural Economic and Demographic Survey, a panel survey of households across 17 of India's most populous states.

Most Indian marriages are still arranged, and nearly all women marry by their late twenties. Some 90% of the marriages studied until 1999 involved dowry. Dowry payments between 1950 and 1999 amounted to nearly a quarter of trillion dollars.

The study found that economic growth perpetuated and boosted the practice of dowry payments, especially from the 1940s to the 1980s, Mr Weaver told me. "Over this period, more men were getting educated and getting better quality jobs, which led to rise in dowry," he says.

An Australian man has escaped with his life after being attacked by a saltwater crocodile while snorkelling at an exclusive Queensland resort.

Marcus McGowan, 51, has detailed how he managed to prise the predator's jaws off his head, suffering lacerations.

He was airlifted to a nearby island hospital, and later flown to Cairns for further treatment.

Crocodile attacks are uncommon in Australia, but there have been several in recent months.

General Community / Why young workers are putting in so much overtime.
« เมื่อ: 29/05/23, 15:09:56 »
J Jasmin Martin has always been a hard worker. While studying for her undergraduate degree in cultural and media studies at the University of Leeds, UK, she would routinely put in up to 30 hours per week at a part-time job to pay her rent. She then secured a full-time job at a PR agency while midway through her master’s degree. Now a media-relations executive at that same company, Martin no longer works a part-time job in addition to a full-time role – but she’s still putting in plenty of overtime. “I often start my day very early reading what’s breaking news in education, tech or the climate, as my job requires me to know what’s going on across a very broad range of topics,” says Martin, now 25. “Often in the evenings, I’ll spend a couple of hours making sure I’m ready for the next day, and on a Sunday, I’ll often head to Café Nero for a coffee and croissant to do admin and make sure I’m set up for the week ahead.” Her partner and friends of a similar age approach work in much the same way, she says, taking business on holiday; or cramming in extra hours in evenings, mornings and weekends.

General Community / Kitten stuck in rain pipe for three days found alive.
« เมื่อ: 29/05/23, 14:52:59 »
A kitten in Beirut has been rescued after being trapped in a rain pipe for three days.

Volunteers from the charity Animals Lebanon used small cameras to identify the exact location of the feline, before pulling it out.

People cheered and applauded after the kitten was rescued, as people stood around, with one saying, "I think we should call her Beirut!".

An 11-year-old boy who was shot by an officer after calling police for help has been released from hospital, his family says.

Mississippi police arrived at Aderrien Murry's home on Saturday responding to a domestic disturbance call placed by the boy, then shot him in the chest, according to his mother.

She said the boy asked her "what did I do?" after being shot.

The officer involved has been placed on leave as the shooting is investigated.

The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is conducting a probe into the incident.

The boy is recovering at home after being released from a local hospital, where he was treated for a collapsed lung, fractured ribs and a lacerated liver.

His mother, Nakala Murry, has asked for the officer to be fired and charged.

At a press conference on Monday outside Indianola City Hall, she said the father of another of her children had shown up at their house early on Saturday morning and was acting "irate", prompting her to instruct her son to call the police.

When the Indianola officer arrived, Ms Murry later told CNN, he "had his gun drawn at the front door" and asked everyone inside to exit.

As her son turned the corner of the hallway, the officer opened fire, striking Aderrien in the chest, she said.

"His words were: 'Why did he shoot me? What did I do?' and he started crying," Ms Murry said. "This cannot keep happening. This is not OK."

She said she had covered her son's wound with her hand and applied pressure, blood pooling beneath her palm. The officer also assisted her in rendering aid, she said, until medics arrived.

Aderrien was rushed to the University of Mississippi Medical Centre, where he was given a chest tube and placed on a ventilator.

General Community / The incredible life of India's 'first' woman wrestler.
« เมื่อ: 26/05/23, 19:50:16 »
Indian woman wrestler Hamida Banu rose to stardom in the 1940s and 50s, when the sport was still a male bastion. Her spectacular feats and larger-than-life persona brought her global fame - but then she disappeared from the scene. BBC Urdu's Neyaz Farooquee traced Banu's story to find out what happened to the woman whom many call India's first professional woman wrestler.

"Beat me in a bout and I'll marry you."

That was the unusual challenge that Banu - then in her early 30s - issued to male wrestlers in February 1954, according to news reports from the time.

Soon after the announcement, Banu defeated two male wrestling champions - one from Patiala in northern Punjab state and the other from Kolkata (then Calcutta) in the eastern West Bengal state.

General Community / The man who made Hindu nationalist politics acceptable.
« เมื่อ: 25/05/23, 15:26:34 »
The previous evening, prime minister Indira Gandhi had imposed a state of Emergency and plunged the nation into an extraordinary crisis. Elections had been suspended, civil rights curbed, the media gagged and critics and opposition politicians rounded up. Gandhi also banned the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the ideological fountainhead of the later-day Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which rules India today.

Vajpayee was then a leader of the Jan Sangh, the right-wing forerunner to the BJP, and a member of the RSS. More than two decades later, he had risen to become India's prime minister - twice briefly in 1996 and 1998, and then a full term, leading a coalition federal government, between 1999 and 2004.

General Community / Thor, Star Wars and Rome actor's career in pictures.
« เมื่อ: 24/05/23, 21:27:10 »
Here is a selection of some of the most memorable images from the career of late actor Ray Stevenson.

The 58-year-old - whose death was announced on Monday - appeared in hit TV programmes including Rome, Vikings and Dexter.

He also starred in a variety of blockbuster action movies like King Arthur and the Thor trilogy - and has a role in the upcoming Disney+ series Star Wars: Ashoka.

General Community / Why car parks are the hottest space in solar power.
« เมื่อ: 23/05/23, 20:21:00 »
There's more than just cars and empty spaces in this car park. Huge arrays of angled solar panels sit atop jet black steel supports, soaking up the sun and shading the vehicles beneath.

Outside the offices of a major car manufacturer in the south of England, there are now more than 2,000 panels in total with a peak capacity of just under 1 megawatt (MW).

That's enough to power hundreds of homes.

"They are looking stunning," declares Guy Chilvers, business development manager at SIG, the firm that supplied the solar canopies.

General Community / Police to search Portuguese reservoir - local reports.
« เมื่อ: 22/05/23, 23:52:39 »
Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are to carry out searches at a reservoir in Portugal.

A search of the Arade dam will begin on Tuesday, 50km from where the toddler went missing in Praia da Luz in 2007.

Christian Brueckner, 45, was made a formal suspect, or an "arguido", by Portuguese prosecutors in 2022.

The search was requested by German police as the area was visited by Brueckner when Madeleine, then three years old, disappeared.

Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, had been on holiday with her family in Portugal's Algarve when she went missing on 3 May 2007.

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