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General Community / Could a US debt default unleash global chaos?
« เมื่อ: 19/05/23, 14:30:27 »
The US government is currently engaged in what could be one of the most costly games of chicken in history.

If Democrats and Republicans do not agree to allow the US to borrow more - or, in their language, raise the debt ceiling - the world's biggest economy will default on its $31.4tr (£25tr) debt.

They have to reach an agreement by the ominous sounding "X-date" of 1 June.

If they do not, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has warned the impact would be "absolutely devastating".

General Community / Russia launches ninth wave of missile attacks.
« เมื่อ: 18/05/23, 15:05:23 »
Speaking before the all-clear was given, Kyiv's Mayor Vitali Klitschko said a fire had broken out in a garage in the Darnytsya area of Kyiv, but added no one had been injured.

The head of Kyiv's civilian military administration said a heavy missile attack had been launched from Russian strategic bombers over the Caspian Sea.

Serhiy Popko said the attack probably included cruise missiles, adding that Russia had deployed reconnaissance drones over Kyiv after unleashing its wave of air strikes.

He said a second fire had broken out in a non-residential building in Kyiv's eastern Desnyansky district, but did not give an update on if anyone was hurt.

At least eight people were reportedly killed - including a five-year-old boy near Kherson - and 17 were injured by shelling on Wednesday, as both sides traded accusations of striking civilian areas.

Slowly but surely Ukraine is getting ready to launch a huge assault on Russia's invading forces.

Western officials say Ukraine's army is at "an increased state of readiness" ahead of a long-awaited counter-offensive against Russia's invasion.

The officials said many of Kyiv's military capabilities were now "coming together" - including its ability to deploy tanks, fighting vehicles and combat engineers, as well as clearing mines, bridging rivers and striking long-range targets.

They said Russian troops were in a parlous state but warned that Moscow's defensive lines in Ukraine were "potentially formidable" and guarded by "extensive minefields".

So the officials argued the success of any Ukrainian offensive should be measured not just by territorial gains but also by whether it convinced Russian President Vladimir Putin to rethink his strategy.

The "cognitive effect on the Kremlin", they claimed, was more important than Ukrainian forces cleaving through Russian lines all the way to the border.

On Wednesday, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with a Chinese diplomat in Kyiv and rejected any peace plan which would involve them giving up territory to Russia.

But an agreement allowing Ukraine to export millions of tonnes of grain through the Black Sea has been extended for two months, the day before it was due to expire.

General Community / HSBC foils plan by major investor to break up bank
« เมื่อ: 6/05/23, 00:18:58 »
HSBC has fought off an attempt by its biggest shareholder to break up the bank during a frequently tense annual general meeting.

Chinese insurer Ping An has been trying for more than a year to split the bank.

On Friday it failed to gain the backing of any other major shareholder as investors voted to reject the proposal.

HSBC chairman Mark Tucker said the result "draws a line" under a long-running debate about the bank's structure.

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Asian investors have joined a series of landmark international lawsuits being filed against the Swiss government over its handling of the takeover of troubled bank Credit Suisse.

In March, Swiss authorities forced Credit Suisse to merge with larger rival UBS amid fears it could collapse.

The move rendered worthless $17bn (£13.5bn) of bonds held by investors.

"Everything unravelled so quickly," said one bondholder in Singapore who spoke to the BBC anonymously.


Shakereh Khaleeli was "rich and beautiful" and came from one of the most aristocratic families in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. But in 1991, the wealthy heiress went missing and it seemed like she had vanished into thin air.

For three years, her second husband - Murali Manohar Mishra, better known as Swami Shraddhananda - made up fantastic stories about her whereabouts.

In 1994, her remains were dug out from under the courtyard of their swanky home in the city of Bengaluru (then Bangalore). Shakereh had been drugged, packed in a wooden casket and - it was later revealed - buried alive.

In 2003, the trial court convicted Shraddhananda for murder and gave him the death penalty, which the high court later confirmed. The courts accepted that he had pursued and married Shakereh for her wealth and properties worth billions of rupees.


After Arjun Tendulkar made a sedate Indian Premier League (IPL) debut last month, many cricket fans have compared him with his father and cricket legend, Sachin Tendulkar, and cast doubts on his skills. Suresh Menon writes on why such comparisons are unfair to the young pace bowler.

Few players have had the spotlight trained on them in the IPL to the extent Arjun Tendulkar has.

This was inevitable, given his surname. It takes a particularly brave son to follow in the footsteps of a father widely considered to be the best in the field. Of Mozart's two adult sons, both gifted pianists, one chose to become an accountant and translator, while the other was a composer and teacher. They didn't have to deal with social media trolling if they got something wrong.

Arjun isn't so lucky. When he gave away 31 runs in an over against Punjab Kings, the word "nepotism" figured in many reactions. When he bowled an excellent final over against Sunrisers Hyderabad, conceding just five runs while defending 20, there were fewer responses. To paraphrase Mark Anthony, the terrible lives on, the good is often forgotten.
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General Community / Supreme Court: India same-sex marriage case tests judges
« เมื่อ: 29/04/23, 18:35:38 »
As the Indian Supreme Court continues to hear petitions seeking to legalise same-sex marriage, it's becoming evident just how complex the issue is.

Earlier, lawyers for the petitioners had argued in court that marriage was a union of two people, not just a man and woman, that concepts of marriage had changed over time, and that denying them the right to marry violated the constitution.

Day six of the discussion, that's being "livestreamed in public interest", saw Solicitor General Tushar Mehta on Thursday speaking on behalf of the government, which has strongly opposed marriage equality for the LGBTQ+ community.

The government's main contention from the start has been that only the parliament can discuss the socio-legal issue of marriage and the court has no right at all to hear the matter.

John McFall is the European Space Agency's first ever para-astronaut, selected to study how feasible it is for someone with a physical disability to live and work in space. BBC News joined him on board a parabolic flight, where he experienced weightlessness for the first time.

One minute John McFall is lying on the floor of a plane. The next, he starts to float upwards, still horizontal, seemingly levitating towards the ceiling.

He looks astonished - everyone on this far-from-normal flight does, as they slowly rise into the air. The sensation of being weightless, no longer pinned down by gravity, is extraordinary.

You feel totally out of control - because you are. Any tiny movement against something solid sends you catapulting around the cabin, bouncing into walls and people. It's like being in a slow-motion pinball machine.

The path to the 2024 US presidential election began almost as soon as last November's midterm elections ended - and several candidates are waiting in the wings.

Former President Donald Trump has announced he will run for the party's nominating contest, vowing to "make America great and glorious again".

Mr Trump remains the favourite choice of Republican voters, but his legal troubles and his role in an underwhelming midterm election performance for the party have left him vulnerable.

The ex-president, who will be 78 when the general election begins, could face a stiff challenge from a coterie of Republican hopefuls, including some who once backed him.

Ukraine's Volodymr Zelensky says he has had a "long and meaningful" phone call with China's Xi Jinping, their first contact since Russia's war began.

He said on Twitter he believed the call, along with the appointment of an ambassador to Beijing, would "give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations".

China confirmed the call, adding that it "always stood on the side of peace".

Unlike the West, Beijing has sought to appear neutral on the Russian invasion.

But it has never hidden its close ties to Moscow, or condemned the invasion, and last month President Xi paid a two-day state visit to Russia.

He referred to President Vladimir Putin as his "dear friend", proposed a vague 12-point peace plan and insisted that China stood on the right side of history.

However, he made no commitment to providing Russia with weapons.

Within days of the visit, President Zelensky invited the Chinese leader to visit Kyiv for talks, noting they had contact before the full-scale war but nothing since it began in February 2022.

In a readout of Wednesday's phone call, China quoted President Xi as saying that China, "as a responsible majority country", would "neither watch the fire from the other side, nor add fuel to the fire, let alone take advantage of the crisis to profit".

That statement appeared to be a swipe at China's biggest international rival, the US, which has provided the most help towards Ukraine's response to the Russian war.

White House spokesman John Kirby welcomed the phone call as "a good thing" but said it was too early to know whether it would lead to "some sort of meaningful peace movement, or plan or proposal".

The likelihood of China helping to end the war appears remote, not just because Russia has shown no readiness to withdraw its forces from Ukraine's sovereign territory - a key demand from Kyiv.

Critics have also questioned the idea of Beijing acting as a mediator, citing not only Mr Xi's firm friendship with Russia's leader but also China's soaring trade with Russia and its refusal even to speak of an "invasion".

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow saw "broad concord" with China's approach but said the main barrier was Kyiv's "unrealistic demands". Moscow's own demands include recognition of its annexation of swathes of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea, which was invaded in 2014.

A man says the situation in Sudan is "scary" as gunfire can be nearing the house he is sheltering in, in the city of Omdurman.

Amar, who lives in Edinburgh, was visiting family in the country at the time fighting started.

K-pop star Moonbin has died at the age of 25, his record label has announced.

He was found unresponsive by his manager at his apartment in Seoul on Wednesday night, South Korean media quoted police as saying.

"He appears to have taken his own life but an autopsy is being reviewed to determine the exact cause of death," police said.

Moonbin "unexpectedly left our world and became a star in the sky", a tribute from his label Fantiago said.

He had worked as an actor and model before joining the popular boy band Astro in 2016 at age 18.

Since 2020, he had been performing with another Astro member Sanha in a duo. Moonbin & Sanha had been in the middle of a world tour, and their last performance was in Bangkok on 8 April.

The label Fantiago said all of Astro's members were returning to Seoul on Thursday to gather for Moonbin's wake. The statement from the label also asked people to "refrain from speculative and malicious reports" so that Moonbin's family could pay their respects in peace.

Moobin's sister Moon Sua is also a K-pop singer, part of the girl group Billlie. The siblings had previously spoken in public interviews about their dependence on each other.

South Korea has the highest rate of youth suicide among developed countries. While its overall suicide rate is falling, deaths of those in their 20s are rising. The K-pop industry alone has seen four suicides in recent years.

Singer and actress Goo Hara was found dead at her home in Seoul in 2019. Her close friend, K-pop star Sulli, killed herself after a long struggle with online bullying in the same year. In 2018, Minwoo of boy band 100% died at home, with his label only saying he had suffered cardiac arrest. Jonghyun, the lead singer of SHINee, one of South Korea's biggest boy bands died in 2017.

Moonbin joined the Fantagio's trainee programme as a child before eventually joining Astro. The group was originally six performers, but one member left in February 2023.

Astro fans - known as "Arohas" - have been mourning Moonbin's death. Known as an all-round performer, he had been seen as the boy band's most celebrated dancer.

Pictures on social media showed fans on Wednesday night laying flowers and post-it notes at impromptu street memorials in South Korea. Fans also strung up purple and silver balloons - colours that had featured prominently at the singer's last performance in Thailand.

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